Brewing and potable ethanol enzymes
These enzymes are used in various stages of brewing. They can be used to modify wort viscosity, reduce calories, or remove chill haze.
A highly stable thermostable alpha-amylase enzyme liquid preparation derived from Bacillus licheniformis. This enzyme provides more efficient liquefaction of starch from malted barley and adjuncts, such as rice in beer production. Optimal activity occurs at 198°F.
Activity assays: Reference Amylase Unit (RAU)
A food grade fungal alpha-amylase enzyme produced from Aspergillus oryzae that breaks down gelatinized starch to dextrins and maltose. Prolonged action results in the formation of large amounts of maltose. It is available in liquid, granulated, and powder forms and is available in a range of activities.
Fungal Amylases are used in brewing because they aid in the production of fermentable sugars, which increases attenuation and to prevent or remove the starch haze.
Activity assays: Modified SKB method (Sandstedt, Kneen, and Blish, Cereal Chemistry 16:172, 1939)
A saccharifying liquid glucoamylase (or amyloglucosidase) enzyme system derived from Trichoderma reesei for production of fermentable sugar in highly attenuated or light beers.
Activity assay: AGU (amyloglucosidase unit)
A food-grade enzyme preparation derived from Aspergillus niger, a very pure glucoamylase with little protease or amylase side activity present. This product has an effective pH range of 3.0 to 5.0. Suitable for use in organic beer production.
Activity assay: AGU (amyloglucosidase unit)
Liquid exo-glucosidase amylase derived from Aspergillus niger for production of fermentable sugars. This enzyme catalyzes the release of successive glucose (dextrose) units from the non-reducing ends of solubilized starch.
Activity assay: AGU (amyloglucosidase unit)
A natural protease from papaya, that can be used for chillproofing beer.
Papain is a sulfhydryl protease extracted from the water-soluble portion of the latex of the fruit of Carica Papaya. It is a versatile protease that will rapidly hydrolyze a variety of proteins over a wide range of conditions. Our papain is a vegetarian and vegan-friendly protease and is non-GMO, as well as Kosher (Kof-K) and Halal (IFANCA) certified.
Enzyme Development Corporation was founded in 1953, with Papain as our first product. It was originally used for chill-proofing/clarifying beer and is still used for this application today. For more information on papain, please visit
Papain activity assays: Milk Clot Unit (MCU) • FCC Botanical Protease Units (FCC-PU) • Tyrosine Assay Method (TU)
EDC is the only producer of Papain in the western hemisphere. At our factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania, we produce standardized papain powders and liquids, as well as unstandardized concentrates. EDC’s Papain products for supplements include:
Liquid papain, standardized to activities of 100 and 200TU/mg.
LIQUIPANOL® RS 100 and RS 400 Liquid papain that is processed without the use of sulfites Liquid papain, standardized to activities of 100 and 400TU/mg. These products have earned OMRI listed® certifications, which means that it may be used in certified organic operations or food processing under the USDA National Organic Program.
ENZECO® PURIFIED PAPAIN RS CONCENTRATEPapain that is processed without the use of sulfites. The papaya latex in this product has been processed without the addition of sodium metabisulfite. This results in papain with substantially reduced levels of SO2.
This product contains only the botanical enzymes and has no other ingredients. It has earned an OMRI listed® certification, which means that it may be used in certified organic operations or food processing under the USDA National Organic Program.
Derived from a non-GMO strain Aspergillus niger, this protease has a pH optimum of 2.5 – 3.5. Its low pH optimum has proven useful in protein hydrolysis as a kosher/halal alternate to pepsin. This product can be used up to a pH of 6.5. This enzyme increases Free Amino Nitrogen and helps improve yeast vitality.
Activity assays: Sold on Spectrophotometric Acid Protease (SAP). Activity can also be reported on Acid Protease Units (APU), Milk Clot Units (MCU), Hemoglobin Units on Tyrosine (HUT)
Xylanases S Concentrate is our highest xylanase activity product. It is a food-grade enzyme preparation from a non-GMO strain of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly T. reesei), containing xylanase as its principal activity. It also contains β-glucanase, galactomannanase, cellulase, and has very little protease activity. In brewing, it is used to break down non-starch polysaccharides in adjuncts such as wheat, rye, oats, and un-malted barley.
Activity assay: BXU (Birch Xylan Substrate)
A liquid food-grade cellulase preparation derived from a non-GMO strain of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly T. reesei). The enzyme contains a significant level of β-glucanase activity which is used in brewing to reduce the viscosity.
Activity assay: β-glucanase unit (BU)