Enzymes used for flavor modifications
Cheese, oils, meats, vegetable protein, and yeast are all compounds that can be used as a substrate for enhanced flavor productions.
A highly concentrated food-grade fungal proteolytic enzyme with a high level of endo-protease and lower levels of exo-protease. It is derived from a non-GMO strain of Aspergillus oryzae and is available as a powder or microgranulate at different activity levels up to 1,000,000 HUT/g.
Activity assays: Hemoglobin Units on Tyrosine basis (HUT)
Ficin, a natural non-GMO proteolytic biocatalyst from the latex of Ficus species (tropical fig tree), is approved for use in food and perfect for clean label products. Ficin functions similarly to other plant cysteine proteases, such as Papain and Bromelain, but has a lower deactivation temperature, making it ideal for meat tenderizing applications, particularly thin cuts of meat such as fajita strips. Read more.
Applications include: Meat tenderizing
A unique fungal protease blend from a non-GMO strain of Aspergillus oryzae that contains proteases with an acid pH optimum as well as an alkaline pH optimum. It contains a high level of debittering enzymes and endo-action proteases for flavor enhanced hydrolyzed proteins. This product also contains leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), fungal alkaline protease, fungal neutral protease, and carboxypeptidase.
Activity assays: Hemoglobin Units on Tyrosine basis (HUT)
Derived from a non-GMO strain Aspergillus niger, this protease has a pH optimum of 2.5 – 3.5. Its low pH optimum has proven useful in protein hydrolysis as a kosher/halal alternate to pepsin. This product can be used up to a pH of 6.5. At this higher pH, the product can be used for flavor modification and release of free amino nitrogen (FAN).
Activity assays: Sold on Spectrophotometric Acid Protease (SAP). Activity can also be reported on Acid Protease Units (APU), Milk Clot Units (MCU), Hemoglobin Units on Tyrosine (HUT)
This is a neutral protease derived from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (formerly B. subtilis) that has optimum activity from pH 5.5-8 and contains no/very low amylase side activity. Hydrolyzes polypeptides to produce lower molecular weight peptides.
Activity assays: Protease Assay (PC)
A protease enzyme preparation derived from a non-GMO stain Bacillus licheniformis. It contains endopeptidase and exopeptidase, which are used for hydrolyzing proteins and for improves flavor.
Activity assays: Protease Assay (PC)
A purified, highly active, soluble proteolytic food grade enzyme that is naturally occurring in the mature pineapple plant stems of the Bromeliaceae family. It works across a wide pH range and is moderately heat stabile. This is a powdered enzyme that is available at different activity levels and standardized by several alternative methods such as FCC PU, CDU, MCU and others to meet the application and dosage constraints.
Activity assays: Casein Digestion Unit (CDU) • Milk Clot Unit (MCU) • FCC Botanical Protease Units (FCC-PU) • FIP • Bromelain Tyrosine Units (BTU)
A natural protease from papaya
Papain is a sulfhydryl protease extracted from the water-soluble portion of the latex of the fruit of Carica Papaya. It is a versatile protease that will rapidly hydrolyze a variety of proteins over a wide range of conditions. Our papain is a vegetarian and vegan-friendly protease and is non-GMO, as well as Kosher (Kof-K) and Halal (IFANCA) certified.
Enzyme Development Corporation was founded in 1953, with Papain as our first product. It was originally used for chill-proofing/clarifying beer and is still used for this application today. For more information on papain, please visit Papain.com
Papain activity assays: Milk Clot Unit (MCU) • FCC Botanical Protease Units (FCC-PU) • Tyrosine Assay Method (TU)
EDC is the only producer of papain in the western hemisphere. At our factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania, we produce standardized papain powders and liquids, as well as unstandardized concentrates. EDC’s Papain products for supplements include:
A concentrated papain powder.
ENZECO® PURIFIED PAPAIN RS CONCENTRATE Papain that is processed without the use of sulfites. The papaya latex in this product has been processed without the addition of sodium metabisulfite. This results in papain with substantially reduced levels of SO2.
This product contains only the botanical enzymes and has no other ingredients. It has earned an OMRI listed® certification, which means that it may be used in certified organic operations or food processing under the USDA National Organic Program.
EDC's no added sulfite papain standardized to 600 TU/mg on maltodextrin.
Liquid papain, standardized to activities of 100 and 200TU/mg.
LIQUIPANOL® RS 100 and RS 400 Liquid papain that is processed without the use of sulfites Liquid papain, standardized to activities of 100 and 400TU/mg. These products have earned OMRI listed® certifications, which means that it may be used in certified organic operations or food processing under the USDA National Organic Program.
Powdered papain, standardized to activities of 100 and 300 MCU/mg.
A naturally occurring aspartic acid protease use used milk clotting. The enzyme is from a plant origin, obtained by extraction and partial purification of proteases from Cynara cardunculus (thistle or Cardoon) flowers. Currently, it is only approved for use in Dairy, but other application can be added to the approval.
Activity assays: Milk Clot Unit (MCU)
ENZECO® DPP (dipeptidyl aminopeptidase)
A protease enzyme preparation derived from a non-GMO strain of Aspergillus oryzae and containing high levels of dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase. Primary used in flavor modification, collagen, and protein hydrolysis.
This enzyme must be used with or directly after another protease.
Activity assays: DAP or DPP IV
An enzyme derived from a non-GMO Strain of Aspergillus oryzae that has debittering side activities. Primarily performs exo-hydrolysis that releases amino acids from the terminals of proteins and peptides.
This enzyme must be used with or directly after another protease.
Activity assays: Hemoglobin Units on Tyrosine basis (HUT)
A food grade enzyme derived from a non-GMO Strain of Aspergillus niger. It is a high activity material. The enzyme will hydrolyze fats and oils most commonly at the 1, 3 positions. This product is stable against heat and over a brought pH range, working up to pH 10.
Activity assays: FIPU (Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique unit)
A food grade a triacylglycerol lipase produced by the controlled fermentation of a non-GMO strain of Mucor javanicus. The enzyme hydrolyzes the acylester bonds in triacylglycerols (esters of fatty acids and glycerol); yielding mono- and diglycerides, glycerol, and free fatty acids. This product preferentially releases shorter chain fatty acids.
Activity assays: FIPU (Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique unit)
A unique lipase derived from a non-GMO Strain of Rhizopus oryzae. The enzyme provides hydrolysis of triacylglycerol lipids to release free fatty acids. Dominant action is cleavage at the 1 and 3 positions of the glycerol base. Produces more short and medium length fatty acids than those of longer length.
Activity assays: BGE
A unique lipase derived from a non-GMO Strain of Rhizopus oryzae. The enzyme produces significant levels of short chain fatty acids such as C8. This lipase is not as aggressive as lipase from A. niger or pancreatic lipase on long-chain fatty acids.
Activity assay: FIPU (Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique unit)
ENZECO® Candida Lipase 400
A highly concentrated, unstandardized lipase derived from a non-GMO strain of Candida cylindracea. This lipase hydrolyzes a wide variety of fats and oils and is particularly active at low to moderate temperatures and can be used as a replacement for pancreatic lipase in some applications.
Activity assay: FIPU (Fédération Internationale Pharmaceutique unit)